New York State of Mind-less…Part II

View from Madison Square Park:

Mood Reading:  ZZZZ’s (worked all day in the yard yesterday and slept like a rock!)

Before I get to the second day of my visit to New York City and the meeting with my literary agent – I will apologize once again for not getting this out sooner. This week the weather has been just too gorgeous and the dirt was calling to me.  It seemed every time I sat down at the kitchen counter to write something I’d think, “oh — just one more petunia to plant” or “maybe I’ll just get that one little patch weeded.”  Finally, I realized nothing was going to get written until my weeding was done and the flowers were in (call me OCD, but it’s a thing I have about getting the pots planted before mid-May…as if anyone other than the deer and me notices anyway!) Read the rest of this entry »